Wang Shi: The craftsman spirit I understand

Today I want to talk about three things. First, talk about relationships; second talk about craftsmanship; third talk about internationalization.

Strong relationship and weak relationship

What to do in China is to talk about relationships, especially property management. why? The so-called relationship in China is nothing more than saying that you are looking for someone to pull a relationship, others are looking for you to pull a relationship. Property management is like a small wife, but also to find someone to talk about relationships, find services, property management is not strong, not others ask you, you are asking others.

Here, I talked about the topic of “demolition of the wall” that was controversial in the past.

The Great Wall of China is a wall, the Forbidden City is a wall, and the courtyard is also a wall. From a certain perspective, it can be said that China has a kind of "wall culture". Recently, some media asked me to recommend a book. I recommended a set of "The Story of the Romans", a total of 15 books. The 10th article talked about the wall, involving construction, engineering, and so on. This tenth preface mentions that when the Romans repaired the road more than 2,000 years ago, the Chinese Empire was repairing the Great Wall. Physically speaking, one is horizontally expanded and the other is vertically expanded. Vertical expansion is to encircle the top, horizontal expansion is the road, extending in all directions. Obviously one is around and one is open.

The most typical characteristic of "wall culture" is to defend and protect oneself, and form a strong relationship within the wall, but the external is close to being closed and rejected, forming a defensive and non-open concept in our hearts.

As far as Vanke is concerned, we have always advocated open community design. Because Shanghai Vanke is open to the community, it is not only used by the community itself, but also used around the community. The service facilities are highly efficient, and it naturally becomes a center of the Minhang Qibao community, where various urban functional units are located.

However, it is easy to dismantle the physical wall, and it is difficult to break the "wall" inside the heart. I think the real thing to break is the "wall" in the heart, and advocate the open avenue culture. For example, we have a special relationship in Chinese tradition. One is a blood relationship, such as a family business, and the other is a geographical relationship, such as a child soldier or a hometown person. This inner strong connection is a kind of “wall culture”.

The relationship is universal and definitely not unique to China, but China speaks more. What is a strong relationship? That is, you trust him especially, you can entrust him. It may not only be a blood relationship or a geographical relationship, but also a classmate relationship and so on. Everyone is close and close, the other side knows what he said, this is called a strong relationship. According to evolutionary psychology, a person's strong relationship will not exceed 20 in a lifetime.

But we have reached the Internet age, an open era, the world is a flat, if we rely on strong relations, it is very limited, we still need weak relations.

Does weak relationship affect our mutual trust? No. Reform and opening up and international integration, in the Internet era, in China we need to weaken strong relations and strengthen weak relations. How do you deal with weak relationships? I want to have a few.

First of all, businessmen do business. In traditional Chinese culture, doing business is definitely a strong relationship. "Going to the father and son, playing the tiger brother", because of blood, he does not worry about who is being sold, and doing business is the same. Another strong relationship is geography, children and various gangs. It is a geographical relationship.

However, after the discovery of the voyage, the sailors took risks in order to make a fortune. When a ship went out, they didn’t know when they came back. The relationship between them was neither blood nor geography. Why do they connect together? I think it is the rules, the spirit of the contract. We can all be unfamiliar with each other, but everyone follows the rules and signs the contract. Nowadays, business is more about the contract. Talking about the contract is equivalent to speaking the rules. The rules are not necessarily reasonable, but they must be observed. This way your transaction costs are low and the partnerships you build are wide. What I personally pursue is a weak relationship.

"The gentleman's friendship is as light as water." How to correct such a relationship, you should not try to establish a strong connection with some people in the government department. We are weak contacts, that is, to talk about rules, that is, to be transparent. When you put yourself very clearly, the other person knows who you are.

How many years ago I said that Vanke did not pay bribes. Today, I am playing tigers and taking pictures of flies. I am still standing here and talking about it. Many people believe it. For things in our weak relationship, you have to stand up. You can't rely on others. You only have to rely on yourself to follow the rules.

Now it is the age of the Internet and the Internet of Things. If we form a wall and a wall, we are not suitable for the future. But I am very pleased to see that in the past five years, China's property has undergone great changes and is already adapting to such a future Internet era.

Two typical examples of craftsmanship

The spirit of craftsmanship is to strive for excellence and to do it well. I want to talk about the craftsmanship embodied in two people.

The first one is Mr. Qi Shijian. Why did he re-start his business at the age of 73? After 10 years, the success of “Orange Orange” was due to his craftsmanship and excellence. I have introduced Mr. Qi Shijian on different occasions and I will not start today.

Today, I want to mention another person. He has a very close relationship with real estate. Sun Wenjie is the chairman of the former China State Construction Corporation, the former chairman and general manager of China Shipping Corporation, and the founder of China Shipping Corporation.

When Vanke entered real estate, the company of China State Construction Corporation in Hong Kong was called China Overseas Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. and was registered in Hong Kong. When Vanke entered real estate in 1988, Chinese overseas companies were well-known in Hong Kong, and they were famous for building. In 1988, they had already received one-third of Hong Kong's construction work. At that time, China Overseas began to enter real estate development companies from construction companies. As soon as it entered the real estate industry, it was an extraordinary example, and it became an example for Vanke to follow the example of learning. Zhonghai’s own construction project was a higher grade than Vanke from design, construction, cost control and quality control.

In the 1997 financial crisis in Hong Kong, the price of listed shares of China Shipping in Hong Kong was low. I saw the opportunity to meet with Mr. Sun Wenjie at the Kempinski Hotel in Beijing through the middleman and suggested that Vanke and China Shipping merge. The proposal was rejected by Mr. Sun.

At that time, Vanke was very respectful to China Overseas and Mr. Sun Wenjie. It is a state-owned enterprise and a central enterprise, but it does not affect its operation in accordance with market rules.

Later, Vanke developed a "pirate plan", and a group of Chinese overseas cadres went to Vanke. I have been informed that Mr. Sun is very proud to say that many of their cadres have been reused in Vanke. The corporate culture of China Shipping is sustainable. It has not been affected by Vanke’s forced “borrowing” of its cadres, and it is still moving forward. Not only went forward, but Mr. Sun went to China Construction Corporation to make a performance.

As far as I know, the real impact on China's real estate industry in China now means that the backbone of half of the country is derived from the China Sea. Mr. Sun Wenjie did not because he was a state-owned enterprise cadre, but because of various limitations, he instead created a team of rules, technology, and management in this limitation.

When Shi Jianjian made orange, Sun Wenjie built Zhonghai. One is private and the other is state-owned enterprises, but they all embody the spirit of artisans. This spirit is not affected by ownership. China's future transformation and development should combine different resources and should not emphasize the difference between ownership.

The spirit of craftsmanship began to play a role in China. It is precisely because we have gone from the golden age to the silver age that the craftsmanship is now revealed. How to improve the company, how to make products, especially after our products are sold, how to take customer orientation as the first, and finally the last step of property management, these are just the beginning.

What is the craftsmanship spirit? I think the first is to feel at ease with the work you have done. I don't want to say that I love to do things after the 80s and 90s. I want to say that if you don't love, you have to do it well. "I have a heart to plant flowers and flowers, and I have no intention of inserting willows into a row." I have many goals. I really can't do anything I want to do. But in the process you can't do, you have been working hard and doing it seriously. It is all about you, it is all nutrients. When the real opportunity comes, it will help you more.

Why Vanke wants to be internationalized

First, China's reform and opening up is the process of internationalization. When I went abroad in 2011, Vanke had a lot of business with foreign companies, even though we have almost 100% of our business in China. In the future, our mainstream business must be in China, but we have already cooperated with international funds in Japan, Singapore funds, and US funds.

Especially in GIC in Singapore, we have established a joint venture company and the cooperation is very enjoyable. GIC 100% entrusted Vanke in management, did not send anyone, or even if the investment project does not exceed RMB 1 billion, the management team can set it up and go to the board of directors for filing. Our first project to invest in the United States draws on the experience of GIC, and now the cooperation has expanded to more projects.

Vanke has arrived in an unfamiliar market, using a strong relationship or a weak relationship? Obviously weak relationship, we rely on the brand image, Vanke's brand believes. As a certain scale of enterprise development, the most important thing is to rely on the brand.

What is the purpose of Vanke Internationalization?

The first is learning. Obviously, Europe and the United States are mature market models. Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have begun to transition from a developing market to a mature market. We must first take a step to learn how China will do in the future.

The second is to establish a network relationship, go out to invest and actively turn the passive network into an active network relationship, let the world know you.

The third point is the real foothold, providing consumers with international services.

The real marketization of China's property management has only begun, and its prospects and space are great. The future of property management must be technical, apply the latest technology, and also try capitalization and financialization. The property industry should play an increasingly independent, increasingly professional, and increasingly technical role in the future urbanization process. In the end, talent integration, capital integration, and integration in all aspects will become an influential and appealing industry. .

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